Saturday, May 19

Here we go!

Well, here we first blog! I am feeling lots of pressure to be interesting and exciting. But no one really knows I am blogging yet, so maybe I don't have to be so interesting...

Basically, this is just a new way to communicate with our family and friends that live far, far away - to let them in on the goings-on of our daily lives.

We just got back on Thursday from visiting my parents down in Springfield, Missouri. It was a really fun trip - although I don't think I drove down Battlefield Road once, so I feel I really did not experience Springfield fully. I think Liz drove down National to pick up some dinner one night, and came back ranting and raving about Springfield traffic - so maybe it's not so bad I missed Battlefield. Marc and Liz and little baby Drew were down visiting the same time we were, so we had a little miniature family reunion. Here's a photo of Luke, Hailey, and cousin Drew (2 months).

We took the kids down to Silver Dollar City - which none of you will have heard of unless you are from Missouri or Arkansas. It's a really neat amusement park done around the theme of the early 1900s - and I absolutely LOVED it as a kid, so it was really special to take my own kids there. Here's Luke after his ride on a real steam engine, and Hailey on her very first amusement park ride.

The kids did really well with the 11-hour drive down to Missouri and back. We only had maybe a 10-minute period of all out screaming from both of them :-). Let's just say the DVD player was well used. Luke and I did play some traditional car games, though. That was weird because I feel like it hasn't been that long since I was playing car games with my mom. How can Luke be that old already?

We had a little birthday party for Hailey while we were down there, since her birthday is coming up soon. She was much more fun to watch with her first piece of cake than Luke was! No offense Luke. She dove right in and destroyed it - good thing we were sitting outside. I know every mom says it, but I can't believe she is one already! She still seems so small. But she will be walking any day now, and is learning new words all the time. Some days it's a blessing that time goes so fast when they're little, and some days I want to yell "Wait! Hold on!"

That seems like enough (or too much) for my first day, so......

So Long,


Jessica said...

I loved the blog! I'm so glad y'all have one too. It will be a great way for us to keep up while out of the country. I loved Silver Dollar City too! There used to be a ride.."Fire in the Hole" or someting. Too bad they closed that one. There are some good memories from that place! See, I know what you are talking about, fellow Missouri gal! Gabe said to tell Luke, "I miss your trains." Sorry Luke, I'm sure he misses you too. :-)

ferniBlog said...

I'm so glad you are blogging! What fun! Those are great pictures....Hailey is a doll! Luke, too...of course!